Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve Lee's family roasted a lamb on a spit. It tasted good and wasn't that gross to look at.
Corina and Lee had their engagement party on the 23rd. It was really nice to meet more of Corina and Lee's friends and family.
On Christmas we went over to Lee's parents' and just hung out there in the morning. Dad made the mistake of jokingly suggesting taking shots of Rakia at 9am. Tony (Lee's dad) brought out the shot glasses and the guys took shots before coffee.
Boxing day we went to a cricket game, which was fun. I am able to understand it more by watching it in person. I think. I still prefer my American football.
The 27th we left for a beach house ( I believe they call them baches here?).

We stayed there for 4 days with Lee's brothers and parents. The first day the weather was nice, but it got progressively worse and by the last day it was pouring rain. I finished the Hunger Games there and managed to work on my tan a little (sort of). Thursday night we went and saw Ladi6 and The Black Seeds play at the Mangawhai Tavern. It was this pretty cool tavern in what felt like the middle of nowhere. The place was packed even with pouring down rain.
We stayed there for 4 days with Lee's brothers and parents. The first day the weather was nice, but it got progressively worse and by the last day it was pouring rain. I finished the Hunger Games there and managed to work on my tan a little (sort of). Thursday night we went and saw Ladi6 and The Black Seeds play at the Mangawhai Tavern. It was this pretty cool tavern in what felt like the middle of nowhere. The place was packed even with pouring down rain.
Tonight is New Year's. I worked until 10 then got a beer with dad and Corina down the street at a bar that has Rogue Ales on tap! I went up to the biggest waiter at the restaurant (at least 6 foot) with a beard and asked for a napkin. Corina started laughing hysterically in the background. When I returned to the table (with my napkin) I found out that napkins in New Zealand are sanitary pads. They call napkins serviettes here. I am so glad she told me this before I started working at a restaurant. OH WAIT.
After the beer I should have gone out with Rocky, but instead I went back to Corina's with my dad. We are getting up at 7 tomorrow to go to the farmer's market with Lee's dad. I'm actually pretty excited about this.
So instead of partying at midnight like a normal 23 year old girl in Auckland I'm sitting here writing, watching the fireworks, wearing my pj's with swollen feet from work and listening to Rambo bark at the noise outside. Not the best New Year's, but not the worst either. At least I'm comfortable and happy.
Oh and for my American readers, if you are wondering why the title of the blog is "Sweet As," a lot of people say that here instead of cool. I've been warned about it because with a New Zealand accent it sounds like someone is saying "Sweet Ass."